If we can’t save a historic home in its existing spot, we’ll move it.
We are happy to announce the preservation of another historic home in Franklin, IN – and its new location. Tuesday, June 22, beginning at approximately 5 a.m., a 100 year-old fully-restored house will be moved from its existing location at 50 East Wayne St., Franklin, IN to its new foundation five blocks away at the northwest corner of Crowell and Madison Streets in Franklin, IN. Coming just days after the end of May – designated as National Preservation Month - we are excited to continue the Franklin Heritage, Inc. mission of preserving our past for our future. We invite the public to watch this move anywhere along the approved route leading from Wayne Street to Crowell Street. The process will take several hours to complete and patience is greatly appreciated. This move is part of a coordinated effort between the City of Franklin Mayor’s Office, Street Department, Community Development Department, Franklin Board of Public Works, the Franklin Development Corporation, Franklin Heritage, Inc., MCF House Movers, The Bemis Group, Duke Energy, and other utility companies. The route designated for the move through downtown Franklin will be marked and parking will not be available along the route on June 22. |
50 East Wayne St., Franklin at its original location