Seating capacity reduced to 185, mask policy for vaccinated guests adjusted for CDC guidelines.
Welcome back to The Historic Artcraft Theatre (again)! You have continued to support our theater through our first pandemic situation in our 98 year existence and we wouldn't be where we are now without you. We are grateful for your support, patience, and understanding. Thank you!
We are looking forward to seeing you again, and when we do, we will be taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our guests, volunteers, and staff.
It is important to remain as vigilant now as we have been throughout both shutdowns. We ask that our guests remain home if you are not comfortable with being in our theater. In order to operate safely and comfortably for all in attendance, we have put in place updated policies.
Our mask and vaccinated guest policy is updated to be in line with the CDC guidance released May 13, 2021.
This list will continue to be updated as policy is adjusted. We will announce changes across our usual channels (newsletter, Instagram, and Facebook). Doors will open 30 minutes prior to showtime for weekend movies. For Reel Women, Vintage Wine and Brew and View movies, doors will open 60 minutes prior to showtime. Thank you.
Updated CDC mask guidelines and how we're following them.
Per the CDC announcement on May 13, Franklin Heritage, Inc., The Historic Artcraft Theatre, and Madison Street Salvage will continue to follow their guidelines and we acknowledge the following updates for fully vaccinated guests provided by the CDC. You may view these updates here.
As we have done since the initial outbreak, we will follow the CDC guidelines noting that fully vaccinated people may resume as before the pandemic outbreak. Meaning, if you are fully vaccinated, your mask use now is up to your discretion.
Non-vaccinated guests, please continue to mask up (covering your nose and mouth) and distance as recommended. We ask you wear your mask until you are seated in the auditorium. Once seated for the show, you may remove your mask while eating to enjoy your fresh popcorn and other concessions.
While we will not ask for confirmation of your vaccination, should you choose to not wear a mask while attending an event at The Historic Artcraft Theatre, or visit another Franklin Heritage., Inc. property (including our offices and Madison Street Salvage) we must be of the understanding that you are vaccinated. Please be respectful of this decision and the decision of our guests.
Staff and volunteers at The Historic Artcraft Theatre (both vaccinated and non-vaccinated) will continue to wear masks for public events.
A list of activities and the respective risk level has been published by the CDC and can beviewed by clicking here. Thank you for continuing to work with us as we navigate this current landscape. You have been patient and understanding through this whole process. We hope to see you soon.
If you have purchased a ticket for a show, and wish to be refunded due to the new policy, please let us know by emailing or calling 317 736 6823.
This posting made here and updated on July 22, 2021 supersedes any existing language that may remain visible on posters and signs while we make these updates.
Thank you.
Updated policies
Theatre capacity will be limited to 30 percent ( 185 seats ) until further notice.
Facemasks will be required for non-vaccinated visitors when entering all Franklin Heritage, Inc. properties including the Historic Artcraft Theatre, Madison Street Salvage, and FHI main offices. When at The Artcraft Theatre, we ask you wear your mask until you are seated in the auditorium. Once seated for the show, feel free to remove your mask and enjoy your fresh popcorn and the movie. For full CDC guidelines for non-vaccinated individuals, click here.
Continue to practice physical distancing of six feet outside of your immediate party.
No gathering in the lobby before or after shows
We will not offer tours of the theater or projection booth until further notice
If you, or if you have interacted with anyone that has experienced any symptoms of illness such as fever, chills, dry cough, shortness of breath or sore throat within the past 14 days- Please Stay Home
Cleaning and sanitizing
We will make certain that our restrooms are clean and in as good repair as 98 -year-old restrooms can be.
High-contact surfaces (door handles, countertops, etc) will be cleaned and sanitized before, during and after events.
Post-show cleaning will include updated sanitizing using a powerful disinfectant and sanitizer machine ensuring your safety.
Volunteers and staff
All staff and volunteers will continue to wear masks for the duration of their shift.
Gloves will be required for concession workers and replaced as often as possible.
Staff and volunteers will self-check temperatures prior to starting a volunteer shift.
All staff and volunteers will receive updated training on cleaning and operational procedures.
Touch-free ticket scanning will be in place.
Respect physical distancing
Floor markings will be used and placed six feet apart to designate where you should line up and wait in line for the box office, concession stand, and entryways.
Be respectful of others.
Auditorium distancing, entry, and exit policies
Enter the auditorium on the south chute only (side to the right when facing the stage)
To ensure proper distancing, every other row remains blocked off
Leave three seats between your party and other guests
Masks may be removed to enjoy your concessions once seated and properly distanced from other parties. See above for mask policies.
After the show, please exit the lobby and do not gather inside the lobby or theater.
Floor markings will be in place along the north chute - the traditional concession line location.
One party in the concession area at a time. Please wait at the entrance to be called up by the cashier.
Do not hand credit/debit card to cashier. Card reader will be on the counter for customer's use.
Counter will be sanitized regularly and as often as possible.
Refill requests will be given a new container
No salt shaker will be available for customer use until further notice.
Main office and ticket purchasing
Main office in-person hours will remain Thursday and Friday, 12:30 to 5 p.m as of April 21, 2021.
Walkup ticket purchasing the night of the show will be allowed. Please note with limited seating capacity of 185, there is no guarantee tickets will be available.
Office staff will wear masks when customers are present.
Customers limited to one immediate group in the main office at a time.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 recently, or have symptoms of COVID-19 (including fever, cough, or shortness of breath), please stay home and help us keep everyone safe.
We will refund tickets in the event of illnesses.
If you have underlying health conditions or are otherwise concerned about contracting COVID-19, please stay home and help us keep everyone safe.
By purchasing tickets, you agree to follow the mask policy, social distancing, and sanitary guidelines that have been put in place to protect you and our other guests and team members.