For the first time in almost 20 years, we are adjusting our ticket prices – with a one dollar increase for our regular series films. In the past few years, our programming has expanded dramatically, with more films shown and more patrons served than ever before. In 2008, we showed 31 different films, across 104 showings, to over 10,500 people. In 2018, we showed 57 different films, across 181 showings, to over 42,000 people, almost doubling our films and quadrupling our audience. We are currently producing nine distinct film series, while presenting live events, tours and hosting local schools for field trips. Ticket sales account for over a quarter of our operating budget, but until now, our ticket prices have not increased to reflect our increased costs.
As of June 3, tickets for regular series films will increase to be:
$6 - adults
$5 - seniors (55 and over), military, college student
$4 - kids (12 and under)
Ticket prices for Reel Women / Vintage Wine, Brew and View will remain at $10, and Summer Break films (Tuesdays at 10 a.m.) will remain at $5.
Along with the price increase comes new ticket delivery options: